10 hot kids drinks to keep them healthy and hydrated

10 hot kids drinks to keep them healthy and hydrated

For the winter cough and cold season the BIBO team have come up with 10 of the best hot kids’ drinks to keep them healthy, hydrated and warm. Staying at home doen't need to be boring either, so we've also provided some 'at home' tips to keep the kids entertained!

10 hot kids’ drinks to keep them cosy

1. Honey and lemon – It’s an oldie but a goodie when it comes to kids’ hot drinks. Honey has antibacterial benefits to soothe a sore throat if they’re coming down with something while the lemon gives a shot of Vitamin C which has been shown to reduce the duration of a cold. Try this simple recipe here.

2. Warming chai milk – Sweetly spiced and oh-so comforting, this is the kids’ hot drink version of an adult favourite. Use boiling water from your BIBO to save time and keep them smiling.

3. Hey presto tomato soup – A meal in a mug is always going to be a winner, particularly when it’s packed full of fresh veggies that even the most reluctant kid will enjoy. This quick sticks recipe takes only 17 minutes from go to gulp. Use boiling water from your BIBO to make up the veggie stock component.

4. Hot blackcurrant and orange  Blackcurrants contain more Vitamin C than any other commercially available fruit or vegetable making it a great choice for a hot drink during sniffle season. Pick up a pack of frozen berries for convenience and try this recipe which is paired with the sweetness of orange juice meaning it’s even more of a power packed drink for your little one.

5. Zingy lemonade – This tasty twist on a favourite hot kids’ drink is the addition of a little turmeric, renowned for its anti-inflammatory benefits. It gives a lovely golden colour to the sweet, lemony drink too. Try the recipe here.

6. Dreamy sleepy milk – Warm milk with honey and vanilla is the perfect way to wind down before bed while the tryptophan content of milk may just help kids get to sleep. This easy recipe is made even easier by dissolving the honey in a little boiling water from your BIBO first.

7. Butterbeer – Harry Potter fans will love this magical drink from their favourite wizard. Dissolve the brown sugar in a splash of hot water from your BIBO to make it easier to mix and add a slice of fresh orange for added fruity flavour.

8. Spiced apple juice – Warm apple juice with a hint of cinnamon and nutmeg warms tiny tums and gives a hit of vitamins from the apple juice when they’re too bunged up to eat much. Just use the boiling water function from your BIBO to steep the rest of the ingredients from this tasty recipe for a popular hot kids’ drink and you’ll have a winner on your hands in mere minutes.

9. Hot chocolate – Nothing beats a mug of velvety hot chocolate to wrap your hands around. It’s the perfect treat for little ones at the end of a long day. Click here for the ultimate hot choc recipe that you can make in an instant with your BIBO Water Bar.

10. Noodle soup – Not strictly a drink as such but you can use your BIBO to whip up a warming snack with some instant noodles (this healthy wholegrain version is a good choice) or you can make your own. Try this easy chicken noodle recipe. Or turn things up a notch with this delicious kid-friendly recipe for pho. Y.U.M.

Download these recipes here.

Top kids’ stay-at-home activities

Dive into a virtual aquarium

Visits to actual aquariums are out of the question, so why not explore some of the world’s most spectacular from the comfort of your lounge. Wearing snorkel masks and flippers is optional!

Make an icy worm pool

It may not be quite warm enough to jump into a real backyard pool, so why not create your own? It’s super easy. Start by putting a cup of boiling hot water from your BIBO Water Bar into a saucepan with 500g of sugar and boil the mixture until all the sugar has dissolved into a syrup. Next pour the solution into a casserole dish and sprinkle in some sour gummy worms, sugar cubes and other lollies, and watch what happens. As the worms expand, they look like they just came out of an Ice Age!  Leave it for a couple of days to watch the transformation – and then tuck in. Click here for loads more fun sugar experiments.

Help Bindi at the zoo

There are so many amazing animals to discover at Australia Zoo, and you can join Terri, Bindi and Robert Irwin through the online Crikey Club. Look inside their wildlife hospital, watch ferocious animals being fed and find out about some incredible conservation projects.


Exercise is so important during this time, and doing it as a family is fun – especially if the adults are getting it all wrong! The YouTube account Cosmic Kids Yoga has all kinds of yoga for kids videos for all levels. Why not record your session to entertain yourselves later?

Open a mocktail bar

Get in a selection of juices, fresh fruit such as banana, apple, pineapple and strawberry, some fruit cordials, soda water and lemonade and crush some ice to see who can create the greatest cocktail. Umbrellas, metal or paper straws, mint leaves and cocktail sticks can all be requisitioned for finishing touches. Use chilled water from your BIBO Water Bar and make up some crazy names for their creations. Click here for some very creative cocktail ideas.

Glow in the dark dancing

Buy a big tube of glow sticks and plenty of Sellotape and you’re ready for a sound and light spectacular when the sun goes down. Get the kids to spend the day practising some dance routines together and then when it’s completely dark, stick glow sticks all the way down their arms and legs, and around the outside of their faces and crank up the music. Ask other families to have a go too, post all the results up on social media and vote for the winner.

Let an astronaut read you a story

How cool to have their bedtime book read to them from space! That’s exactly what you can do courtesy of NASA and the crew of the International Space Station.

Make slime

Literally nothing is more satisfying that squidging some brightly coloured goo between your fingers. This video tells you all you need to know to make the very best gloop.

Book bingo

One great thing about being home with a cold, is getting stuck into some amazing stories that take your imagination to other countries or even planets. To make it more fun, download a book bingo card and start ticking off the boxes. The first to complete their card gets to order a book of their choice online.

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