the high cost of drinking bottled water

Can you believe it? The average Australian spends up to $2800 a year on bottled water.

A study by Choice, Australia’s leading consumer advocacy group, found that if you drink two litres a day from the tap, you’ll pay about $1.50 a year. Drink the same amount from single-serve bottles, however, and you could be looking at more than $2800 a year.

Not many of us drink three bottles of water a day, but even if you consume just one 600ml bottle of water a day your annual outlay would be $1278 (if you’re paying an average $3.50 a bottle).

Quick, I need a drink! Even milk and soft drink would be a cheaper option. Alternatively, you could order this “liquid gold” in bulk to try to stop the money flow.

But the cost of having a bottled water cooler (at an average rental of $150 a year) with four 15L bottles delivered each month (at $13.50 per bottle) would still set you back about $800 a year. And by choosing either of these options you are adding to the global problem of plastic pollution in our lands, rivers, coasts, beaches and oceans.

healthy home water filtration system

There must be a better solution – and there is! Why not ditch the plastic bottles and install a cost effective and healthy home water filtration system? The BIBO water bar is an ideal solution.

A BIBO water bar is an innovative, stylish and cool new addition to any kitchen or office. BIBO provides instant filtered and purified water – at the perfect temperature – chilled, ambient and boiling – at the touch of a button.

With BIBO you can say Bye Bye to bottled water – and you won’t need your kettle or filter jug either.

It’s environmentally friendly and energy efficient – and it delivers healthy, pure water 24/7. Best of all, with BIBO Water you can say Bye Bye to that exorbitant bottled water bill every year.

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