Unwind and Indulge: BIBO's 5 Serene Ways to Enjoy 'Me Time' this Mother's Day

Unwind and Indulge: BIBO's 5 Serene Ways to Enjoy 'Me Time' this Mother's Day

We all need some ‘me time’ to get us through busy or stressful periods, but sometimes it’s easier said than done! BIBO has found some clever ways to grab some well deserved quality time with just yourself for company this Mothers Day.

When you’re rushed off your feet from dusk ‘til dawn, me time is a luxury you can rarely afford. But taking a breather really shouldn’t be a luxury.

And it doesn’t have to involve making elaborate arrangements for a weekend away or full-day spa session (though both are still nice!). Just 20 minutes can be enough to unwind and feel refreshed.

And if you think you can’t spare the time, think again – taking a break makes you more productive, improves memory and boosts creativity.

5 ways to sneak in some 'me time' this Mothers Day

BIBO has found five clever ways to step off the treadmill and wallow in some much-deserved leisure.

Be proactive and give yourself some slots where you can switch off your phone and concentrate on you. No one need know and, really, nothing catastrophic is going to happen if you’re offline for a few precious moments!

1. enjoy bite-sized yoga sessions

If something provokes gnashing of teeth and prolonged hand ringing, then an impromptu bout of yoga can be just the thing to centre and find some inner calm. There are loads of sessions as short as five minutes for all standards on YouTube. 

2. time out tea

A warm mug of your favourite herbal infusion can lift the day’s weight off your shoulders. Make sure you don’t waste valuable time waiting for the kettle to boil! Having instant boiling water that’s filtered and purified by the BIBO Water Bar is so, so nice when you want to take a few minutes to yourself. 

And if you are feeling a little under the weather with the flu, cold or a virus, you may want some other hot drinks to make you feel better.

3. enjoy a bubble bath

A few precious minutes stretched out in a bath with essential oils, relaxing music and a scented candle can feel truly decadent. Take a book, set Spotify to ‘relaxing tunes' and leave the phone in the kitchen. A dreamy herbal tea is the cherry on the cake (actual cake works too!).

4. take a gentle walk

Getting out and enjoying a leisurely walk, taking slow deep breaths will nourish your soul and will make you feel alive. It’s not your usual Monday to Friday brisk to get your heart rate up! While you’re out walking, stop to notice the trees, the flowers and landscape around you – it will reduce your feelings of stress and ground you in the moment.

5. mummy/daddy time

Get the kids to agree that Mummy/Daddy Time means one hour where they are not allowed to disturb you unless they are on fire! Not only that, but each of them must do one job that will save you some time – walk the dog, peel some veg, tidy their room, unpack the dishwasher or something else. Don’t get them to vacuum, though, as part of your 60 minute break might involved a sneaky nanna nap.

Now that you’ve had some wonderful relaxation time for yourself, it’s time to get out and have fun with your girlfriends!


READ MORE: How to beat workplace stress


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