how to give her the perfect Mother’s Day
If Mother’s Day usually involves Dad scrambling to the servo to grab a bar of Cadbury’s Marvellous Creations and an air freshener for the car because the kids forgot to get a pressie, then maybe it’s worth thinking of a few easy ways to make it more special this year.
There’s no excuse for not making Mother’s Day perfect – after all, you have a whole year to prepare for it!
BIBO has come up with five ideas to guarantee your mum will have the relaxing, pampered Mother’s Day that she deserves...
1. ask what she actually wants to do
Yes, a surprise can be lovely, but it can also lead to forced smiles through gritted teeth if it turns out she didn’t especially want a 7km trek through the national park followed by Spam sandwiches and Dairylee Lunchables.
A US survey last year found that less than 10% of mums want breakfast in bed on Mother’s Day, possibly because they end up spending the rest of the morning pummeling the remains of a fried egg off the formally non-stick pan.
The same survey found that a third were secretly relieved that social distancing meant they didn’t have to endure a big get together with the extended family.
2. a present to make life easier
A bunch of crysanths will look lovely for three days... and then less lovely stuffed into the green waste bin.
So how about a machine that will make her endless mugs of warming coffee in an instant and delicious chilled, purified water at the touch of a button? A present that would truly make her year, not just her day.
The BIBO water bar is a popular Mother’s Day gift – and if you buy one this week you’ll get an incredible $300 off. Not only that, BIBO will throw in a stylish reusable coffee cup and a fuchsia water bottle, together worth $60!
And you don’t even need to completely give up on the flowers – get her some calming chrysanthemum tea and her day will be complete!
3. a keepsake to treasure
If Mother’s Day gifts always seem to be scented candles or a bottle of Britney Spears’ Midnight Fantasy from Chemist Warehouse, try something more personal.
How about a homemade card with a few small promises inside? Things like: ‘Fold a basket of laundry’, ‘Dry the dishes’, ‘Vacuum the bedrooms’ or ‘Neck massage’. Encourage them to come up with their own ideas, as long as they’re not ‘Let Mum watch me play Call of Duty’.
4. less is more
A pricy lunch at a posh restaurant with cotton napkins can be more trouble than it’s worth with young kids. Instead, put the emphasis on quality family time. Playing a board game together while grazing on some tasty dips, crackers and cheese is more relaxing than watching your five-year-old faceplant her $18 dessert.
And when it’s time for a cup of Earl Grey, you won’t miss your turn at Snakes & Ladders waiting for the kettle to boil for some yummy hot chocolate!
READ MORE: Hot drinks with a twist for a winter's evening
5. a Mother’s Day forever gift
With a bit of planning, it’s easy to arrange something that will mean she’ll always remember the day. It could be jewellery featuring the children’s birthstones or framed portraits from a secret photoshoot in the park.
6. take a day off
The thing she may cherish the most is some me time to read a book, go for a walk or finally get around to watching Bridgerton. All you need to do is make sure every single chore is done and that she gets a regular supply of coffee, tea and water to stay relaxed and hydrated.
The BIBO water bar purifies and filters tap water and then delivers it instantly either boiling or chilled.
To celebrate Mother’s Day, we’ve knocked $300 off the price and thrown in a reusable coffee cup and glass water bottle, together worth $60!
Simply click here to order the best Mother’s Day gift she’ll ever have received.