easy ways to help on Clean Up Austalia day
With Clean Up Australia Day just around the corner on Sunday, 1 March it’s time to think about the best ways you can help. Not only on the day itself of course, but all year around.
Australia’s pristine beaches, rugged coastlines, virgin bushland and swathes of untouched red ‘sunburnt country’ need to stay that way. This Clean Up Australia Day, find out what you can do with the help of BIBO to keep Australia beautiful.
what is Clean Up Australia Day all about?
Started 30 years ago by a regular Aussie bloke by the name of Ian Kiernan, Clean Up Australia is all about inspiring and empowering individuals and communities to clean up, fix up and conserve our environment.
Whether you organise a clean up yourself, join a clean up that’s already been organised, or are part of a business, school or youth group that wants to get involved, there’s a way you can help keep Australia beautiful. Plenty of others have helped out so far. Just look at these figures!
In the last 30 years:
- 17.7 million +
- 35 million hours
- 365,000 +
what can I do to help on Clean Up Australia Day?
As a community member
Start your own clean up by registering here. You’ll be sent a free starter kit that includes gloves, bags and everything you need to get going.
As a business
Click here to find out how where you work can help.It’s a great way to increase team cohesion via a low-cost team building exercise and fulfil your corporate social responsibilities.
As a school or youth group
Want to work with your school community or youth group to help conserve the environment? Find out how here.
But the single easiest way you can help Clean Up Australia right here, right now?
Easy. Stop using single use plastics.
Humans buy more than one million plastic bottles every single minute. And fewer than 10 per cent are recycled into new bottles. The environmental crisis they are causing could have a bigger effect on our lives than climate change, according to campaigners.
You can read more about this topic here. But in the meantime, take advantage of our special BIBO offer to help you start your journey to a more eco-friendly life.
BIBO summer special discount offer
Buy a BIBO water bar today and save $100 PLUS get two FREE BIBO glass water bottles.
You’ll save a massive $159!
Just use the coupon code summerBIBO when you checkout.
Now scroll down to find 10 simple ways to stop using single use plastic today…
how can I save on single use plastic?
There are plenty of ways to stop reaching for single use plastics in our everyday lives. The impact this will have on landfill and litter in our countryside and in our oceans is significant and the easiest way for us all to Clean Up Australia – today and every day.
10 easy swaps for single use plastic
- Install a BIBO Water Bar. It means you’ll always have instantly chilled water to fill your water bottles at the touch of a button. Find out more about the advantages of a BIBO Water Bar here.
- Use a BIBO bottle so you can stay hydrated on the go. In eight stylish colours and made of glass (so nasty BPAs), they’re covered in a non-slip silicon cover to make them easy to grip. You can buy one here.
- Say goodbye to plastic wrap and hello to food coverings which can be used again and gain. These silicon bowl covers are easy to use and beeswax food wraps such as these are the perfect way to keep food fresh. You can even make your own wraps at home. Watch this tutorial to find out how.
- Keep reusable shopping bags in the car (on the front seat so you don’t forget to take them into the supermarket), in your jacket pocket, your bag, your desk drawer at work, by the front door – anywhere where they are in easy reach and eye view. That way, you’ll never be tempted to ask for a plastic bag again. These handy bags fold down so they’re easy to slip into a pocket. And if you are caught on the hop without one, ask if there’s a cardboard box you can use instead – and then either use it again or recycle it.
- Ziploc bags are so useful but there are lots of great alternatives which don’t cost the earth. These silicon bags are good for freezing food or storing leftovers in the fridge while these mini Bento boxes are great for carrying snacks to work or school.
- Take your own produce bags to the supermarket when you’re stocking up on fruit and veggies. These net ones are a great choice and easy to sling in the wash if they get grubby.
- Ask your local butcher or supermarket deli counter if you can bring your own containers in which to weigh out food.
- Take a cotton bread bag such as this one to the bakery section and ask for your bread to go straight in there instead of in a plastic bread bag.
- Make your own lunches to take with you to work or for your kids to take to school. You’ll cut down on packaging and save money in the process. There are loads of great lunch box ideas here.
- Plastic-coated coffee cups can’t be recycled so take your own keep cup to pick up your daily dose of caffeine or better still, make your own hot drink with the instant boiling water function on your BIBO Water Bar.