fun and easy recipes for kids

fun and easy recipes for kids

If the weather’s a bit glum and your youngster’s face seems permanently glued to a screen, what better way to find fun things to do in the school holidays than with these easy recipes for kids?

These easy recipes for kids not only teach them an important life skill, but they’ll learn about nutrition and treat food, and soon realise that if they create something delicious, they get to eat something delicious!

And your BIBO Water Bar comes in very handy for a few of them too.

5 tips to get kids cooking
  1. Take youngsters shopping with you, and let them decide what to buy. Make it a game by insisting they go for one item they’ve never tried before.
  2. Give them a cook book and let them choose the recipe they want to try first.
  3. Start little ones out young! If you give a toddler a wooden spoon to stir and ask them to help fetch or weigh the ingredients, they’ll love the responsibility.
  4. Create a little herb garden together and then use what you grow in your cooking. A few pots on the kitchen window sill will suffice.
  5. Challenge your mini chefs to create a delicious hot drink to share with you.There are loads of easy recipes here for kids’ smoothies and hot chocs.
  6. Visiting a farmers’ market is fun and teaches children the importance of fresh ingredients.
7 awesome and easy recipes for kids
  1. Super Quick Rocky Road

We won’t pretend it’s super healthy, but it does contain almonds and raisins (which are technically a fruit!).

  1. Teriyaki Meatball Bowls

If you’ve got some meatballs in the freezer already, then you’re halfway there before you’ve even started!  And if you use your BIBO Water Bar to boil the water you save even more time. Of all the easy recipes for kids, this is a great one to start with as it shows them that meatballs don’t always have to be cooked in a tomato-based sauce.

  1. Easy Honey Bread

There’s something really satisfying about making your own bread. For a start, the smell that permeates the whole house is simply divine; and your friends will be hugely impressed when you tell them it was kneaded by tiny fingers! This is a perfect recipe to get them into cooking – the name itself will grab their attention.

  1. Jelly Rainbow

The rainbow became the symbol of thanks for the frontline care workers during the pandemic, so what better excuse than making one out of jelly? You’ll need a few different flavours, but if you’re short, you can always add some fruit juice or food colouring to your instant boiling water to get more of a range. 

  1. Cabanossi Sausage Rolls

Don’t worry – no need to make the pastry when you can buy it ready made and frozen. And a store-bought chutney is just as tasty as a home-made one. If you have any non-meat eaters, it’s equally as yummy using vegie sausages.

  1. Green Tea Cake

No, it’s not a Dr Seuss-style green cake, it’s the tea that’s green!  When you add the water, make sure it’s chilled to make the beating easier. This is an easy cake for kids to bake and isn’t too sweet so a drizzle of honey may be called for.  Once you’ve drizzled sufficiently, microwave the slice in a bowl for 20 seconds and you have the best warming comfort food you’ll ever devour. And you can even buy Green Tea Kit Kats these days to put on top!

  1. Donut Apples

They have the word ‘donut’ in their name, they’re the same shape as donuts and they are sprinkled with Sprinkles like a donut, so kids are still going to love these even when they discover they aren’t actually donuts and you’ve tricked them into eating fruit! An easy recipe for kids who need some persuasion to chow down on an apple.

Click here for safety tips when cooking any of these easy recipes for kids, and here for essential advice to keep the whole family safe and healthy this winter.

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