BIBO has found some fun ways to make Mum feel special whether it's her birthday, Mother's Day... or any day of the week!
1. fix that drip!
How about demonstrating your love in a meaningful way by finally finishing that household project that’s been hanging around forever?
It could be a broken window frame, dripping tap, filthy shower screen or unpainted spare room ceiling. Maybe it’s been months since anyone bothered to properly clear the oven.
Whatever it is, get in the tools you’ll need in good time, start nice and early and surprise her. She'll be even more thrilled than that time you got her an oversize 'World's Best Mum' mug.
2. filtered water on tap
Yes, she’ll smile and thank you for a beautiful bouquet of flowers or box of yummy Belgian chocs, but sadly both will be a distant memory within just a few days. What if, instead, you bought her something that will go on making her life better for literally years.
A the touch of a button, a stylish BIBO Water Bar delivers unlimited boiling and chilled water that’s been filtered and purified to taste absolutely delicious.
Your mum will love not having a kettle cable cluttering up her worksurface or plastic bottles of water taking up valuable space in the fridge - it's the affordable and portable Zip alternative with no messy installation needed. She’ll be able to make an instant peppermint or chamomile tea, or dispense a cooling glass of cordial
3. a yummy meal delivered
Yes, you could attempt to conjure up her favourite coronation chicken or eggplant curry, but, let’s face it, the odds of success aren’t great. Instead, arrange for her dinner of choice to be delivered from a local restaurant using one of the many delivery apps available.
With only a few plates to wash up afterwards, there’s more time for a family board game or for her to finally watch Season 2 of Emily In Paris without a chorus of unsubtle tutting and mumbled comments about missing the footy.
READ MORE: 7 reasons why every home needs a BIBO Water Bar
4. painting & wine class
These are springing up all over the country and are a fun and relaxing way to bond as a family. You all sit around an object like a vase of roses and a professional artist gives tips and advice on bringing it to life through paint. A couple of glasses of Pinot Gris will help release your creative juices... or help cushion the blow when your still life receives less than positive feedback from particularly cruel family members.
To find one near you, Google things like Champainting, Pinot & Picasso, Sips & Strokes and Cork & Canvas.
5. online craft
We can thank the pandemic for the hundreds of new interactive online classes. From the privacy of your own lounge, you can enjoy flower arranging, pottery, needlecraft, cooking, cocktail making and painting. Whatever it is that Mum loves doing, you can bet it’ll be available somewhere!
If you have family members living all over the country, or even all over the world, they can all take part in the same class and have a (polite) giggle at each other’s efforts!
READ MORE: 6 biggest myths about water
6. photo frame slide show
For centuries, picture frames have had an irritating design flaw – they can only fit one picture. And, even if you have an original Monet hanging over the fireplace, at some point you’re going to get a bit, well, bored of it.
Enter the electronic photo frame! Stick a bunch of your family snaps on a USB drive, and your mum will have a slideshow of dozens of smiling photos. Not only that, every time you visit, you can replace them with exciting new ones to surprise and delight her. Just don’t be too crushed when you pop over and find it unplugged with a photo of your brother’s kids shoved in front of the frame.
7. a special playlist
Hopefully between you, your siblings and your dad, you have some idea of her taste in music, so why not put together a playlist on whatever streaming service you have for her to listen to in the house or car. It’s a touching idea that she’ll appreciate, and it won’t cost a cent.
It’ll also be nice background music for a relaxing coffee.
Just don’t be too offended when she replaces the slushy Barry Manilow tracks you were convinced she loves with Billie Eilish and Ed Sheeran.
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