BIBO Blog — environment

BIBO Water Bar for safe filtered water at home

7 reasons why your home needs a BIBO water bar

The BIBO water bar is the ultimate one-stop, refreshment station. Doesn’t your family deserve one?

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What is actually in a glass of water?

What is actually in a glass of water?

Have you ever stopped to think what's actually in a glass of water? BIBO investigated just how many surprising ingredients there may be.

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BIBO's 6 biggest myths about water

BIBO's 6 biggest myths about water

It's time to bust some of the biggest myths about water. Do we really need eight glasses a day? Does it all taste the same? Time to find out...

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why the new BIBO² is the ultimate water bar

why the new BIBO² is the ultimate water bar

Find out why the beautiful new BIBO² is our best ever water bar, the last word in convenience, style and taste

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