BIBO Blog — fun facts

Halloween filtered water drinks for kids

Devilishly-delicious Halloween drinks made with your BIBO Water Bar!

Scary, spooky & yummy Halloween drinks made with delicious filtered water from your BIBO Water Bar. Perfect for your little (and big) monsters

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filtered water colours of 2023 BIBO Water Bar

Revealed! The hottest home interior colours of 2023

The world's top style experts have already declared what the red hot colours of next year will be. So before you pick up a paintbrush or buy a new sofa, make sure you're suitably on-trend!

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What is actually in a glass of water?

What is actually in a glass of water?

Have you ever stopped to think what's actually in a glass of water? BIBO investigated just how many surprising ingredients there may be.

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BIBO's 6 biggest myths about water

BIBO's 6 biggest myths about water

It's time to bust some of the biggest myths about water. Do we really need eight glasses a day? Does it all taste the same? Time to find out...

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