BIBO Blog — water facts

How to Calculate Your Ideal Daily Water Intake

How to Calculate Your Ideal Daily Water Intake

Find your perfect quota for staying energized and healthy That's the question we all ask ourselves at this time of year. With the sun shining and temperature rising, it's easy to forget to drink enough. But just how much water is 'enough'?  The common recommendation is to drink eight cups of water every day but, according to, the amount of water we need to drink actually depends on a variety of factors.  These include your age, gender, weight, how healthy you are, how much you exercise and how hot and dry the climate is. What's more, you don't have to drink...

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filtered water dispenser superfood purified water

The ultimate superfood from your BIBO Water Bar

Why the pure, filtered water from a BIBO Water Bar is the greatest superfood of all…

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Why BIBO’s unique water filter is so important for your family

Why BIBO’s unique water filter is so important for your family

For delicious filtered water at the touch of a button, the stylish BIBO Water Bar really is in a class of its own.

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What is actually in a glass of water?

What is actually in a glass of water?

Have you ever stopped to think what's actually in a glass of water? BIBO investigated just how many surprising ingredients there may be.

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