BIBO Blog — for office

best water filter for offices filtered and purified water

Why a BIBO Water Bar is a must-have water filter system for all offices

A stylish BIBO Water Bar delivers instant boiling and chilled water that's been purified and filtered to perfection at the touch of a button. Here are 5 reasons why your office really needs to rent or buy one.

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How to create a healthy workplace environment

How to create a healthy workplace environment

It’s the place you spend most of your time so add wellness to your workplace by working on getting a healthy office and you’ll soon see the benefits.

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BIBO Water Bar VS Zip HydroTap image

BIBO Water Bar Vs Zip HydroTap: Which one is the best water filter system for home or office?

A comparison article between Zip HydroTap and the BIBO Water Bar - the features and benefits of each water system for home or office.

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filtered water for schools rent a water dispenser water filtration

Rent a BIBO Water Bar for your school staffroom

Rent a BIBO Water Bar for your school staffroom! Instant chilled or boiling water that's filtered to perfection. Afterall, teachers are busy enough without having to wait for the kettle to boil!

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