the plastic problem!

the plastic problem!

The charity Plastic Oceans estimates that by 2050, the amount of plastics produced globally will increase three times to 1,124 million tons.

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every mothers little helper: Kylie Archer reviews the BIBO water bar

every mothers little helper: Kylie Archer reviews the BIBO water bar

Kylie Archer is a Sydney mum with two young little ones, who spends much of her time in the family kitchen. Her popular website Kidgredients ( features a host of nutritious and innovative children’s recipes guaranteed to tempt the fussiest little eaters. To make life easy, Kylie recently installed the cool and compact BIBO Water Bar on her kitchen bench top. In this video she explains why every mum should have one…  

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how Leanne Druery beat the odds and won a BIBO!

how Leanne Druery beat the odds and won a BIBO!

Leanne says she has gone from "someone who felt vulnerable and sad, to a woman on a mission." For her outstanding effort Leanne was handed the keys to a new Mercedes C350e – and won a silver BIBO Water Bar for her staff and clients as a bonus. “The BIBO Water Bar has been an exciting addition to our office at Gardian Real Estate,” said Leanne. “Every staff member enjoys the refreshing cold filtered water especially in our hot climate. Everyone’s water intake has increased and we are all enjoying the positive health benefits this brings. In addition to the...

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BIBO water bar makes a splash at Australian Good Design Awards

BIBO water bar makes a splash at Australian Good Design Awards

BIBO Water Bar has been recognised for its stylish looks and innovative features at the 2017 Australian Good Design Awards. This high tech benchtop water dispenser was one of only 244 entries to receive the 2017 Good Design® Selection and was a finalist in Product Design (Domestic Appliances). BIBO CEO Peter Molloy represented BIBO at the black tie Awards Ceremony at the Overseas Passenger Terminal in Sydney earlier this month. “It was a great honour to be shortlisted at this prestigious Award ceremony featuring many of Australia’s most innovative products,” Mr Molloy said. Launched in Australia late last year, the...

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